Re: MMS Help!
Hello Jane,
You can make an excellent mouthwash by simply adding 3.5 ml or up to 4.0 ml of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to 500 ml of water.
In this case water is used to begin the activation, and your mouth saliva continues it. The more pathogens in your mouth, the more the activation of the solution. If your mouth has no pathogens, there is no activation. This prevents damage to your teeth.
It is kind of like chlorine dioxide on demand.
Since 3/4 teaspoon will give you 3.75 ml, it would be easiest to simply use that.
I add a drop of mint extract for the "zesty" feeling, but that is optional.
To use this solution first brush your teeth, then take a mouth full of the mouthwash and swish for a minimum of 30 seconds. If you can go a little longer, that works better. Then spit it out. There is no need to rinse afterward. It is designed to be used 2 - 3 times a day. You can also use it to "freshen" your mouth without brushing after a garlic or onion lunch, or after talking for hours on the phone.