14 y
Re: From the Gulf Stream to the Bloodstream
I live near the gulf and do not like swimming in the gulfwater after the oil spill- the one time i did swim after the spill, i got a rash. no more gulf swimming for me, for a long time.
I also went on a combined gerson/hay/budwig modified diet to counteract any corexit benzene, clark has ways to detox benzene, b-vitamin, thiamine.
You will hear NOTHING about gulf illness because millionaires do not want thier gulf front property values to depreciate. I live in chernobyl or love canal as far as I am concerned, and i avoid a lot of stuff, rains from the gulf, seafood from gulf, and detox the best i can.
The tourist boards, restaurants, bars, hotels, realtors, in Fla. will NEVER admit the gulf is poisoned, they want money from tourists.
My neighbor, an md with 2 kids, put his house up for sale after the spill, he no longer wants his kids in the gulf water.