Hey DesperadonyC5, how is things going?
Hey Desperadonyc5,
It's Surfer27 here. Hey, you may not remember our phone call a couple of months ago, but I talked to you, from Ontario, Canada about my problem with fecal
Body Odor and how embarrassing it is! You may recall, telling me about getting checked for Heavy Metals and possibly doing Chelation Therapy? Anyways, sorry I couldn't remember your name! It's been awhile since I talked to you. If you ever want to chat, my number, is: 289-813-1018. Anyhow, I came across something interesting on the internet, that now Westerners are using! It's a product called: Ganoderma Lucidum, or (Red Reishi Mushroom), if you've heard of it? Apparently it's also good for alot of metabolic dysorders, but I am not sure about TMAU, or malodors, but you should check up on the health benefits of using this product!! Anyways, just thought I'd pass this information onto you! It's been used by the Chinese for 4000 yrs, so they must have been doing something right! Lol. Anyways, I gotta go, but hopefully this helps you out some, with your problems!! Alright, take care and may God bless you. Bye for now.
Ryan Annunziello