Do You Use a Crock Pot?
This is just too cool not to share with everyone. If you use a crock pot... Just click on the meal you want and it opens a file with that recipe! Note: For the healthiest recipes, make wise substitutions (such as sea salt for salt, healthy oils for canola, butter or healthy fats for margarine, honey or raw sugar for refined white sugar, whole wheat and unbleached flour for bleached white fluor, etc.) and use organic ingredients whenever possible.
Crockery Pot - Beef
Crockery Pot - Pork
Crockery Pot - Poultry
Crockery Pot - Fish & Seafood
Crockery Pot - Soup, Stew & Chili
Crockery Pot - Barbeque
Crockery Pot - Side Dishes
Crockery Pot - Dessert
Crockery Pot - Miscellaneous
= Low Fat
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