Re: Has anyone tried a MZ6 Maestro Zapper
Hello, JAB
>> Seems like an interesting Zapper. Has a carrier wave at 7.83 Hz. Worth a try.
Zapping frequencies have their peak efficiency to pass though the skin barrier, around 30kHz.
Very low frequencies are then very poor zapping frequencies. (Note : 15Hz is a Very Low Frequency too)
And there is many VERY interesting frequencies below 100Hz.
7.83Hz (Schumann’s frequency) is one of them. Using it on a zapper makes then no sense, frequency wise. Unless…
You use a carrier with a good zapper’s frequency, like 10kHz.
Chopping this 10kHz carrier 7.83 times per second (isochronic modulation) will give you two different effects :
10kHz for a good zapping session, giving you all the benefits of this popular Rife frequency.
7.83Hz, perceived by your brain, and entraining it to this beneficial and healthy frequency.
Duty cycle of the 10kHz is 90%
Duty cycle of 7.83Hz is 90% too.
Hard but not impossible to do with a couple of 555
Not so hard with a micro-controller.
That’s what the MZ6 (and the MZ3b) does.