Thank You
You both made good points. And I'm probably going to be guilty of what SS said in mixing both worlds. That's kind of the route I've gone so far. And especially after seeing what the court thought of my UCC-1 pleading. And now after seeing what Jurisdictionary has presented. I see both sides now. For me I think a mixture of both is the right way.
I looked at those documents you linked to T, and they make good points. I have a lot more points that could be made. Now I understand how to control your opponant and the court, and how to present the facts, law and evidence. And those documents are lacking in my opinion. I think I could tear that argument apart if that's all they presented as facts, law and evidence.
But the bottom line for me is that I know people have done Tim's process succesfully. My question is, has things changed as far as the government. We all know they're about to go under. Maybe they can't pay our debts anymore since they're under water. And maybe they're to the point of doing outright illegal things. Like throwing people in jail for trying this stuff even though it's legal. So I'm certainly not going to try it till I know the government has a good budget for another year and then try it as soon as possible as soon as I know.
I guess by mixing processes I mean mixing the legal world with Tim's process. Not mixing someone else's process with Tim's.
Like that Memorandum of Law in the documents T linked to has GREAT cases, and A LOT of them to use in court. But the way it's presented, doesn't accomplish the goal I don't think. So tweak it to where it's more effective. That's what I mean by mixing processes. The way it was written will make the judge have to look at all those cases to see if they're valid and do his own inturpretations of what they mean and so on. And I think we all know we don't want a judge doing that.
And it's the same with things Tim says in his documents and the other documents T linked to. We can't leave ANY room for the judge to wiggle in these things. We guide the court, not the other way around.
But the redemption people don't seem to do things like they're usually done in court. And I think that's a problem. So naturally "I'll fix it." (yeah right)
Also depending on what I feel is the governemt's postion on various things, will determine what I'll do with Tim's process. I may only file part of it or all of it. What ever I feel I can back up in court or what ever I feel I can get away with reguarding the government.
I think it's like you said T, you can't just copy and paste the same thing for everybody and expect it to work every time from now on. You have to customize it for yourself and for the current situation in the world we will be dealing with.
But I'm sitting on the side of the road like a coiled up rattle snake ready to strike at the first good opportunity.
I wish you guys THE BEST in your journeys! The defacto world is going bye bye!