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Image Embedded Twisted Wind Tower will produce renewable energy for homes
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Twisted Wind Tower will produce renewable energy for homes

Twisted Wind Tower will produce renewable energy for 2000 homes

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Eco Factor: Sustainable skyscraper produces renewable wind energy.

The rise in the cost of energy and the emissions associated with producing energy the conventional way has forced architects to think about next-gen buildings that can power themselves using renewable sources of energy. British architects David Arnold and Alexa Ratzlaff believe that the roof of a skyscraper is an ideal location to harness wind energy, which can be used to power the building.


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The architects have conceptualized a spiraling mega-structure that uses this natural form of energy to generate electricity. Christened The Wind Tower, the sustainable structure is aerodynamically shaped to make good use of the prevailing wind currents.

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The center of the tower includes the main vertical circulation and storage areas. Wrapped around the core are sections that accommodate a variety of programs including commercial, residential, institutional and recreational facilities. The roof of this sustainable tower features 45m tall wind turbines that will generate enough energy to power 2000 residences.

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