Re: --Guilty As Charged--
Here's a sample of the online course which like I said is basically a power point presentation where he talks along with it.
You can see *'s with a line under it on the right of some of the things. Those are documents he shows. And he goes through and explains what everything is. It's good stuff overall!
Here is the overall flow chart for a lawsuit
Here's the motion options
Here is a sample of an answer
That picture doesn't have the heading on it, but all headings are the same for every document you file. And notice how you anwser everything with either admitted, denied or without knowledge. Nothing else. And if part of the question is false, the whole thing is denied. And then you include certificate of service at the bottom of every document you file too. That's basically where you get the fact notorized that you gave a copy to the court and the plaintiff or defendant.
This is the overall tools that are available to you during the discovery phase.
The overall process in a lawsuit is in 4 sections. There's actually 54 presentations to those 4 sections. The complaint, motions, discovery and trial. Hopefully if you do a good job, you never go to trial because you've established all the facts and it can be settled without going to court. I've only made it to the discovery section so far, so I don't have the overall view of the trial. But by the time I watch this stuff a few times, I'll be a master at this.
You get 5 cd's and a few of these seminars and some other stuff I think. I'm thinking I can find the free versions of this stuff somewhere if you like T. If you know what I mean. ;-)
See ya amigo!