Re: 3rd Flush, stuck stone (again)
hello volunteer,
one thing you didn't mention is how long its been since you've done your 1st flush?
typically people say to try epsoms salt for this type of thing, to see if it helps.
the question is, is this really serious? do you think you're feeling a stuck stone as opposed to discomfort as a result of the flush (which is common?) is your gallbladder pain increasing, or does it feel unbearable? is there any jaundice? if the answers are yes, than of course, flush. since there's less discomfort now than before the flush, that is a good sign. i have always noticed a soreness in the liver/gb area after flushing.
the fact that you flushed again and released more stones doesn't necessarily mean that the stones were stuck in the bile duct. there's always going to be more stones to come out from the liver and gb, until the flushes are done.
i'd take the
Epsom Salts , watch how you're doing this morning, and then check in later today after the
Epsom Salts have had a chance to do their thing.