Re: Curious
The doctrine has been clearing layers and layers and layers of crap
been shitting out tons of parasites, eggs , larvae
been clearing out lots of heavy metals( My Hair tst showed quite a bit)
but I m so heavy metal toxic its goin to be a while to see complete results
.. So today in terms of cognition and mental retention I feel better and its not me just ASSUMING I feel better.. ITS me DOWsin and figurin out what is goin on as much as possible.. Still have a ways to go in terms of cognit, mental retention
Huge fatigue problems prior, fatigue has lessened quite a bit but not completely gone (complex problem b/c of metals, pathog, toxins)
Bowel movements were bad prior to this:
Really good bowel movements until my isuues w/ aluminumV2,chlorine, bromide etc
Layers of BioWarfare like Mycoplasma fermant, Malaria cleared etc (forgot others)
There hae been challenges to Newport re:
plasma, recommendations of sound technology/ CDS etc in the past but after reading alot of his posts( i went pretty far back) it was obvious Newport was ALWAYS a step a head of folks
Hell I was in talks w/ someone building a sound machine but I quickly ended the relationship after he recommended flyyin out to anyone that does frequency analysis w/ a rife/biofeedback. I was to use these frequencies as basis. After reading newports blogs/posts I quickly scratched it.
but NO ONE has yet to comprehesively tie everything together and explain it clearly like newport
alternative charged elements/compounds, toxicity of charged toxins, alchemy, parasites,plasmids, RNA virusesbiofilms, biowarfare usage of viruses biofilms and there effective impact structurally but intracellularly annd extracellarly.. etc ..etc
Most people here are dealin with very complex problems taht would be completely impossible to deal with if not on doctrine. I myself add rife frequencies using F165,only after dowsin.
You have to understand that its almost like there is an infinite amount of things to clear. I use the word infinte because there is ALOT of stuff