Re: bespoke cures
i'm making that phone call today..don't know how thorough examinations can be..a biopsy job and cross section of the physical lining of the wall is most probably beyond standard procedures! But i'd be interested in the collagen matrix itself and associated nerve supply in the wall in addition to everyhting else!.
i don't feel as though i'm out of the woods yet just treading water keeping this EC thing at bay. When i read that some people have had this atrocious condition for YEARS and another whose EC returned makes me quite concerned..
All i know is that i had silent digestive issues in the lead up and during EC which became only detectable within weeks after EC stopped and around the time of finding this site. Although EC stopped, finding out what had happend to my lips and the cause was just out of curiosity to become better aware.
Basically not soon after arriving here i began to increasingly have sore stomach sensitivities indigestion gipping, same as the the previous posters symptoms..which was the first for me...
so when i read up here the suggestion of a digestive link and my very own stomach is playing up big's too much of a coincidince for me personally.
Also when you hear of an old wives remedy is to rub butter in the stomach/abdomin area with conditions to do with the effect give it a massage to "aid digestion" kind of makes me think maybe there IS SOMETHING digestive linked.. bare in mind though it was my upper lip that was effected more...i felt like bart simson. I didn't have BOTH upper and lower lip swollen like the majority here.
my other symptoms aside from this was difficulty swallowing
like a knot in my throat, shallow breathing, rashes which all cleared up and improved after a liver cleanse..and indicated a sluggish overburdened liver..i just don't want to leave any stone unturned..
gonna make that phone call now..bracing myself for that something stuck down my throat and up my jacksy.
good luck everyone and keep on truckin!