Hi guys! I've read this website for 2 years actually but I've never posted (shy!).
Heya Villainess,
Ah, long time listener, first time caller hey? :)
... Do you find it get easier after day 2?... It would be really nice to have some words of encouragement from you beautiful people :)..
It really varies but in general that has been my experience, so hopefully you will have that to look forward to :).
Questions: how long should my refeeding process take? I'm thinking I'll go on a juice fast after the water fast and then switch to solid foods, vegetables first... I don't have a juicer so I'm not sure what I'll do there.
Breaking with juice is a very good plan to allow your body the most gentle and gradual transition back to digesting. This too can vary a lot but i think a very good general rule if you don't encounter genuine hunger is to break with a day of juice for every 3-5 days of water, which for 40 days of water would amount to about 7-13 days of juice, followed by a like number of days with vegetables and fruits. If genuine hunger is reached you can divide everything by about 7 and your body will be ready for it :).
I've seen a couple of youtube videos of people chugging down large quantities of juice in the first moments of breaking their long (uncompleted) fast but this too should be very gradual. I usually will have a tablespoon or two of juice and wait 5 minutes before having a little more and so on, building to about a half cup serving after about an hour and a full cup after a couple hours, the idea being to avoid shocking the system which has been long slumbering delightedly.
I wish you the best of everything in your fast Villainess :).