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Re: never got the big stones?
lisag Views: 1,571
Published: 20 y
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Re: never got the big stones?

this note isn't advice, but commiseration. on flushes 1-4 i got about 100 - 150 stones out, larger & smaller... then on 5, 6 and 7 i got progressively less out each time. on #6 i got out 3 large stones, and that's it! nothing else. and i do take c.bitters.

on #7, this past weekend, i got out nothing visible whatsoever, no chaff, nothing. however i was really surprised, because during it i had severe nightmares. usually during a flush i feel bliss, no matter whether stones come out or not. but this time, i had scary masks of faces coming out, i saw green stone colored monster-like images, i couldn't even turn out the light or close my eyes for a time (lasted maybe an hour). i wasn't particularly scared about the images, i knew this was the flush doing its stuff. but i was surprised when nothing visible came out. i work with a healer and i asked her about it. she said, "you get an A+" for this flush - that old toxic stuff really needed to go, you did a great job." so i muscle tested it and sure enough, i got that she was right. so while i'm sure others will have nice advice for you, it seems to me that these flushes are productive even when they aren't visibly productive.

i'm almost tempted to get a new id "WaitingForStones" but seriously, Trapper, i think what you wrote about "just barely scratching the surface" is probably true. next time i'll try more GCG, but i'll keep going - there's a 0% chance that my stones are all gone.



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