Either making mistakes or I should be studied
Hi all
First off if Tom is reading this thank you for all your input and help. I will tell you I am too scared at this point to try unactivated
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement like you had mentioned, but who knows how desperate I will become.
I am still suffering from either UTI or Interstical Cystits. I have another urine broth culture I am waiting for the results on. I will post when I have them
I am over 2 weeks now on a dose of 4 drops every 2 hours for 8 doses. I am still having problems pain, burning urine etc. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I use to live in a moldy house (who knows have much fungus I have). Anyway, I am mixing with fresh lemons. I am not getting any dirreaha. I don't know whether to go to 5 drops and after 8 doses that would be 40 drops a day. A few people have said this is very unusual. I am getting depressed can anybody figure out why this is happening to me when everybody else has such great results. I am losing hope please any info anyone can give me I would appreciate. I am not giving up on it.
I looked up a natural
Antibiotic for Group d Strep and I found info that said Bee Propolis works on Bacteria and fungus, so I am thinking about trying the capsules. Who knows if I will be allergic and not be able to take them. I am allergic to alot.
food allergies be holding me up from getting better on the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ?
I am just searching for an answer.
Thanks so much