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Image Embedded Using MMS to purify tap water

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

fungihomeworld Views: 4,782
Published: 15 y

Using MMS to purify tap water

*cliffs notes version of a long tale*

Noticed about six months ago that the Brita cartridge
filters were full of...very fine translucent fibers..

First three filters...dissected after various lengths of time..all loaded with...fibers. Found near microscopic
and microscopic versions of these fibers in the tap water.

The "crystal fiber plants" are the same things sprouting out of my all body Have fine filaments growing inside my eyes...[in addition to the
yeasts..another long tale there too.]

ok...the brita filters cant stop these things. The tiny
ones are in the filtered water. Even refiltering with
a "two stage filter" doesn't stop them. The Berkey filter
cant stop the tiny particles..that ...sprout ...filaments.

Ok..need to goto chemical warfare..
I have been using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in the
tap water before filtering. Recommended purification dose
on the bottle is ten drops/gallon. My city water is
essentially I've been using 14 drops/gallon.
[7 drops for each 1/2 gallon cycle]. Filter 4 had fibers
in it after a month. Same for filter #5..after 3 wks and
4 days. The fact that the micro critters are growing so
fast in filters that are SOAKED in Miracle-Mineral-Supplement solution several
times a day for a month or discouraging. Will be bumping up the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to..20 drops a gallon for filter six...but I am beginning to suspect that
I am FEEDING them with MMS rather than killing them.
It seemst that I have found a critter that LAUGHS at it swills it like a pig.




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