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Re: Diabetes/Glucophage with Flush?
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Re: Diabetes/Glucophage with Flush?

Thank you for taking the time to write. How is it to work in an office that believes in conventional medicine? I bet it's a struggle or does your Dr. feel what you are doing is right?

One of my big fears is going back to my conventional Dr. and have him shake his head and say "what are you doing to your body"---"you've screwed everything up."

I was on Glucophage years ago--I think I started in 1996 and took it until 2004. I didn't have the side effects everybody else had. In fact, I felt nothing from it--good or bad. That's kinda why I went off of it because I felt it was doing more harm than good to my body (as most prescriptions do). BUT---I was able to lose weight with it, so it must have done something in helping the insulin get into the cells. I didn't drop a lot of weight, but it made exercise and dieting work better than it does now.

My ALT was up in March of this year---just a little, like 43 and normal high was 40. I haven't had the enzymes tested since then. But since doing this flush, I swear my liver feels like a true fatty liver again. I notice its presence, in which before the flush I didn't. This is what has me concerned.

I've had numerous ultrasounds and MRI's over the past 10 years and nothing shows but fatty liver, so it's not like I'm just taking a stab at what I have---I know I have it. It's just fixing it that's been my problem. But I'll take your advice and hang in there--I'm hoping that my next flush will start things in a positive flow for me instead of this negativity and second guessing. I just want to see some weight loss---even 1/2 a pound in the right direction would make me happy. I would at least know that this struggle is worth it. The scale this morning has me at my highest weight since pregnancy (5 years ago) and 5 of that has come on just since last week. I didn't even splurge over Thanksgiving. It's like every food I put in my body just immediately turns to fat. I thought starting to clear the liver would help that?

As far as detoxing, I have been visiting a holistic Dr. the past year and have been treated by an ND with a biotesting machine. I've been on $3,000 worth of herbs and detoxing herbs and apparently they didn't do anything (which is why I've stopped going just this month), because my liver unloaded a whole lot of sludge 2 weeks ago. If I had been detoxed from these herbs, wouldn't the liver be a little clear?

Thank you again for answering---it means a lot to me. Good luck to you on your well being also.


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