I began having some of those symptoms in my forty's as well. What helped me tremendously are the bio-identical natural hormone pellets. If I would have found them earlier I would have avoided alot of pain and suffering (irritability, depression, bad PMS, severe, severe migraines). It's better if you go to an Alternative Medicine doctor and not a OB/GYN doctor. The GYNs that are trained to use these are trained to give you the hormones based on an abnormal blood test results only and if the blood test results are "normal", what they end up doing is prescribing you toxic drugs to "calm" (drug) you down that eventually damage your liver and your brain if you let them. I know from experience. Alternative doctors, although they will take lab work to check your hormones, they treat you based on your symptoms. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life and I have never felt this good in a long time! I travel 2 hours (one way) to get to his office because there are not too many around, but it's sure worth it.