Re: Probiotics May Make SIBO Worse
I was kind of floored too. But I've been suspecting it. I get better during the day, take the probiotics at night, and feel like I lose ground overnight.
I think the overarching point is that there is more nuance to this syndrome than most people realize, and that it is difficult to say that Probiotics, Fiber, or any other treatment are universally "good" or "bad." Further, whether a substance is good or bad depends on the specifics of your case.
Part of overcoming Candida, for me, has been overcoming Marketing.
Flagyl and Cipro are commonly used to treat SIBO, but your experience makes a point: If yeast overgrowth is present,
Antibiotics will make the overgrowth worse. Because of that possibility, many of us will never take
Antibiotics again, unless we take them with antifungals.