What I've learned from YOU here on Curezone!
I've learned...
Orange stools mean you need more bile.
that I need a professional
colonic as well as a colon cleanse.
that many are enduring the same kind of pain, and I'm not alone.
Epsom Salts will help you through pain after a flush.
that Castor oil packs help a ton with the pain.
Oxypowder is, the Chinese bitters, Andreas Mortitz and sensiblehealth.com is.
That one
Liver Flush is NOT enough and that it's a process to get WELL.
What the red tomato peels are.
that aches and pain usual disappear along with allergies, etc. after the liver is cleansed.
many of the symptoms associated with a healing crisis (Whew!).
how to avoid having my gallbladder removed and have the courage to take the alternative route.
that I keep learning more and more about my health and how to keep it (no bandaid quick fixes).
about other people and their symptoms so that when I experience the same thing, I'll find the comfort of knowing others had the same problem and made is through.
that so many people here on Curezone are really good at figuring out my problems and giving me great advice from a wholistic point of view (that's very important to me).
that one day I will arrive at healing and when I do, I can help others with good advice on what I did to get there, as others have done for me.