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Image Embedded Re: Pain In The Neck Area
Hveragerthi Views: 2,350
Published: 15 y
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Re: Pain In The Neck Area

 I have developed a new symptom. In addition to speaking very softly and hoarsely I have developed an intermittent pain in my neck.

You must be married

It's not unbearable or in my throat but in the neck, under my chin. I have noticed it for about 6 weeks. Hv, is this something to be concerned about? I've had it since using the flax seed oil - I stopped using flax seed oil as soon as I noticed the pain in my neck.

Under the chin, first thing I would suspect is hypothyroidism leading to a goiter.  Especially with the hoarseness, which is also a symptom of hypothyroidism.  The other possibility is swollen lymph glands from an infection.  Since flax can suppress the thyroid I recommend checking your basal body temperature first to make sure it is not a thyroid issue if it does not feel like swollen lymph glands.

I still have the other symptoms - a weakness in
my lower body, I'm unbalanced, uncoordinated, hard to do anything but sit. It's really difficult to stand up from sitting. My hand writing is small and unreadable. I can't stand for any length of time. It's very hard to turn over in bed, and my hands shake. It's very difficult to put on eyeliner and mascara. My body has a stiffness to it. It's hard to shower and dress.

What could this neck-thing be? Should I go to the doctor?

It would be a good idea to have this checked out.  Make sure they check your parathyroid hormone (PTH) and serum calcium levels checked first.  If they are high though don't let them rush you in to surgery.  If hyperparathyroidism is present then cutting back on phosphorus intake and increasing vitamin D3 can often fix the problem.

By the way, a lot of people confuse the thyroid gland with the parathyroid glands.  These are different things.  IN your case though it sounds like you may be having issues with both.  A little iodine supplementation though should help the thyroid if is suppressed from the flax.



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