Re: Chaparral
I don't have the answer, but I'm interested in it. I would like to add this question, if I may:
Should the dose of chaparral be gradually increased?
No, it does not need to be gradually increased. But it is best taken blended with other herbs to prevent it from clumping up when it comes in to contact with water due to the high resin content.
Does it have a detox effect on the liver to be wary of?
It is a strong blood cleanser, but it is not going to cause as strong of a detox reaction as strongly bitter tasting herbs, which cause the liver to flush. Chaparral is not pleasant tasting, but it is not intensely bitter either.
I notice that it's in the Live-R-Ight formula (for that matter, which herbs in there are the reason for your suggestion, Hv, to start the formula slowly?).
The Live-R-Ight is intensely bitter mainly due to the picrorrhiza. This is why I recommend starting out slow with the Live-R-Ight and building up slowly as well as drinking plenty of water throughout the day when using it.