First Flush Done -- Feeling Awesome!
Hello all,
I write this approximately 36 hours after beginning my first
Liver Flush according to Dr. Clark's instructions. I may have never taken a single step in caring for my body and mind as profound as this.
Here is a list of all the improvements I have already noticed, in no particular order:
1) I have a bacterial infection on my face about the size of a quarter. It has been there for a very long time (more than a couple of years). The doctor diagnosed it as MRSA or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, aka the "superbug." I have thrown everything at it that I could think of: essential oils, acupressure, energy balancing, other
Liver Cleanses (
Dr. Schulze ), even five straight weeks of
Antibiotics . Everything helped to a point, but then that nasty bug would dig itself in, and fight its way back. Though it has only been a short time since my flush, the infection has already shrunk, dried oiut somewhat, and generally paled. It looks much less angry than usual, and it did not bleed on my pillow case last night. It is itching like a mother, and I can just feel intuitively that if I keep on with the flushes, which I fully intend to every two weeks, it will finally heal.
2) I had some of my favorite mexican food last night from a local restaurant, and overnight and this morning have had no gas! (My wife is very happy about this).
3) My eyesight seems to have improved significantly. In fact, my sense of smell also seems more acute than usual. I am a certified aromatherapist, so this will come in very handy.
4) I was sniffling a lot before the flush, and sneezing, probably due to allergies and high winds in this area lately. Now: not a sniffle.
5) My skin feels absolutely radiant. I feel like I am glowing.
6) Not just physically, but emotionally/psychlogically I feel better and more refreshed than in a very long time. I feel happy and peaceful and positive. The sun is bright, possibilites are abundant. MY thinking is clear, words are there at my disposal: I don't need to search for the right word or phrase, and everything I want to say or remember is right there for easy access.
7) I feel, overall, like someone has turned back the clock, and I am a much younger person, in body and mind.
I wanted to share this with everyone, especially those who might be hesitating about doing a
Liver Flush the Dr. Clark way. In my personal experience, it may be the greatest gift that you can give yourself, and it is so easy and inexpensive!!
It wasn't all a bed of roses for me, I must admit, as I had considerable diarrhea starting less than two hours after my first dose of ES and continuing for almost 24 hours. (I must have visited the toilet 30 times, but I have since received recommendations to cut back on the quantity of ES. I will try about half the amount suggested by Dr. Clark next time). I got out maybe 80 stones total, and one was over 2
cm for sure. Because of all of my diarrhea, I became extremely dehydrated, and felt somewhat weak and faint the day following my flush (yesterday). But that has all cleared, and now I am on top of the world!
TIP: for rehydration, I highly recommend Emer'gen-C Fizzling Drink Mix. Each packet is a mineral/electrolyte blend ith 1000 mg vitamin C and helathy doses of B vitamins too. I took four packets yesterday, and together they rehydrated me and gave me a real energy boost.
Best to all, and happy flushing!!