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Re: almost fused sacral
knows Views: 1,766
Published: 15 y
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Re: almost fused sacral

Yeah, Find a good chiropractor.

Yes, distilled water is a natural chelator. The controversy continues.

Look folks, rain water IS distilled water. To drink water that comes from 40-60 feet in the earth is not normal. Unless you live in the dessert. But even then the water comes from and passes through ancient sea beds.

Water evaporates - condenses and falls back to earth. A natural cleansing process. Once evaporated it CANNOT retain the disolved minerals or any polutants. So drink distilled water.

The body needs ionic minerals. Those can only come from plants and animals that have the intestinal footage to process plants. And the sea which is loaded with plants and creatures that have died and decayed back to ionic size.

When you consume mineralized water (well water, spring water, etc.) The liver attempts to clean that water of the disolved minerals. Those disolved minerals end up in your joints and vessels of the body. Thus, arthritis and heart disease.

Distilled water WILL take the extra minerals out of the body so it does indeed leach minerals out of the body. But its the minerals that shouldn't be in there in the first place from drinking well water. (Disolved minerals)

There are places on the planet where the people drink minerlized water but the minerals come from ancient see beds. Thus the minerals are ionic.

Drink distilled water - its rain water - all natural.



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