Re: Hiatel hernia (spell ck)
does he have any whiplash type trauma history???
DOesn't have to be car accident, could be falling down off bike or skiiing or something like that.....
if yes, someone with training in visceral manipulation can often help resolve this kind of issue.
if it is created by mechanical trauma, it usually has to be fixed manually.
I just had a client today tell me that her sister was told that they couldn't find her hiatal hernia after I had worked on her, something which they had diagnosed her with previously
you can find people who do visceral manipulation here:
use partial zip code for broader searching
want someone with at least 4 dots beside visceral manipulation listing on the search result
someone with neural manipulation also is a bonus
if you need help picking someone let me know
I seem to remember you mentioning on one of your posts that you are in the SoCal area, one of my teachers is in Newport Beach in case your friend is there also. Her name is Gail Wetzler.....she is amazing!
If you end helping him with frequencies or herbs please let me know, this is important info for me in my practice