Re: Bile not showing as much
Stools can vary from cardboard colour to chestnut naturally. The indicator for low bile output is that become clay like in consistency and colour. Yellow stools indicate that the food is passing through too quickly.
Clay stools would indicate that the bile flow is being obstructed and another flush may be beneficial.
Yellow stools indicate that low bile salts may be the problem. These are mainly recirculated to the liver but are expelled when we liver flush. Bile salts are manufactured at a fix rate (about 0.5 grams per day) and when depleted take around 10 days to replenish, in a healthy person. A healthy person has a bile salt pool around 3 to 4 grams depending on weight but a person with an obstructed biliary system may only have 2 grams. A combination of factors involving the quality and quantity of bile, bacteria and the regulation of food flow by part of the gut called the ilium may change transit time leading to bile salt diarrhoea. (Where insufficient bile is recirculated; this is a temporary condition for flushers on occasions). In this situation even with new bile being produced it is being lost more quickly than normal. It may be prudent to stop flushing, eat blandly including food high in electrolytes (stewed vegetables) and drink plenty of water until things return to a satisfactory norm.
For those who are interested people with coeliec disease have a much higher bile salt pool than healthy people until it is cured.
Bile salts regulation is very complex because it is being produced, recirculated and lost simultaneously. It general it is made at the same rate it is lost through our stools. If you change your diet you change the demands for bile. When you
Liver Flush with a small bile pool and possible also restricted bile flow the whole dynamics change. You may change the bile flow, change recirculation rate, change the expulsion rate or all three in any combination. Consequently, it can take time for things to settle down.