80 push ups and counting
Don't worry ladies I won't keep up this testosterone fueled push up counting thing for long.....
it is exciting though
especially since I was just on my mountain bike for 90 minutes and felt pretty damn good.....there were times when my muscles were like "hey, pedal faster Barney!.....this feels goooooood"
Last week I was dragging
I also have been snotting a lot when I ride if I focus on nose breathing...both clear liquid (almost constantly) and then sticky yuck snot which after I get that out seems to help produce more full breathing...deeper/easier
Ya know, I got a cold in high school when I was 16 and after that my nose has pretty much been stuffed ever since......
I am continuing my 50 mg of Iodoral in morning and painting Trappers
SSKI multiple time through the day
probably anywhere from 20-30 drops or so...
playing with more drops today, I think I am over 30...
yesterday I had pressure in my kidneys most of the day and metal mouth....it amazes me how now it seems like I get less of that if I keep my dose higher
last nite I was preparing to work out and knees were feeling weak and so I was struggling to get into my workout....just some simple push up sit up and dumbell stuff(I only hit 70 push ups last nite) and after a doing a bit I put on 8 drops of
SSKI , waited 20 minutes and then felt much stronger....crazy!!!!
when I peed an hour ago, it burned baby. The
Iodine seems to be helping to clear the kidneys...sand or gravel coming out....
my metal mouth taste often switches to a filmy taste, almost like after you drink a glass of milk.....
The range of symptoms is incredible....
Cougar signing off for now...