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Re: My protocol to be started soon - please advise

Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure...

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Re: My protocol to be started soon - please advise

A week ago while having a filling replaced, even though precautions were taken such as a jam and nasal breathing, I coughed a grey ball of mucous out of my throat and days after continue to remove 5-10 visible specks several times per day and sometimes "colonies" 3-5mm wide of fine light grey. I've went as far to avoid the chronic exposure that these particles will bring as to inhale rather fine activated charcoal dust, only very few milligrams in total so far, all seemingly expectorated very soon, but for what binding effect it may bring, it is definitely better to maybe damage a tiny bit of lung function regenerable anyways than my entire body, if it even does. Charcoal inhaled is apparently safe and the only problem was when someone poisoned was intubated in the trachea. I'm taking some supplements but realize it is kind of nothing compared to chelation which I realize I should do for months afterward anyways, seeing as it isn't too expensive to do a gentle course.

I would like to do DMSA, and I understand smooth blood levels and break-taking. Before stating my idea, I'd like to ask where to get it for the best price, in the simplest form that I can accurately split up and dose myself (I assume capsules). Available is 60x100mg for $35, but I have seen someone post their "best deal found so far" with 250mg caps and it seemed to be less expensive in total, but I cannot find it now. Alternatively, tell me why DMPS is better (used very carefully of course) and suggest deals.

----DMPS has less side effects and is generally better in anyone who doesn't need DMSA for lead. Many people can't get an Rx for DMPS so they use DMSA. Buy DMSA from

Here's the way I understand may be best:

Over a day, increase from 1mg per 3 hours to 10mg per 3 hours. Maintain for 3 days, tapering off similarly the final day. I don't see how suddenly chopping it only as roughly as 12.5, 25, 50mg etc is good, when it is possible to be even smoother with dosing. Is the sudden rise and fall necessary when starting and stopping the dosing part of the cycle, or should I taper the ends very smooth like this? Then, allow 3-5 day break. At the same time as ramping up the DMSA, I will ramp up Greens+, a powdered supplement I found locally containing spirulina, chlorella, NAC, milk thistle, similar goodies, glutathione also I believe, and taper it down along with but slightly before the DMSA as to not take the single thiols without chelator present. Following rounds will ramp up to 15mg, 25, 40, I will see how I feel. Should I add consumption of other sulferous foods, like asparagus, onion, garlic, cilantro, coriander... to this period during which blood levels of DMSA are there and appropriately high to pick up what is stirred?

----Never change dosing during a round. Never tape doses. Never ever ever take chlorella or cilantro or glutathione. Unless you have a plasma cysteine test that indicates you specifically NEED sulfur you should avoid it all costs. Almost all mercury toxics do much worse with sulfury foods. Cilantro and chlorella are not good for chelation and will make you severely and maybe permanently sick(no I am not kidding).

Now during all of this, it seems best to take a binder or adsorbent in the gut to pickup the stirred metal or chelated complex. Chlorella does this, and I am thinking of adding zeolite (non liquid?) as it is cheap being 20 bucks for a pound or 60 for 4lb of 4 angstrom zeolite (is this the right kind to use?) Should I avoid zeolite that is not the liquid kind since it apparently contains metals of its own picked up from the ground it was mined in? This will be taken constantly, during the off periods also.

-----This isn't true. A very small amount of mercury is reabsorbed in the gut. Nothing clinically significant and nothing you take will change this. Don't ever use chlorella and avoid the zeolites.

Along with that, a 5 mineral form (Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn) of ascorbate will be taken at maybe 2-5 grams per day, constantly (not just during the chelation), dropped slightly at off periods.

-----Take Andy's suggested supplements. C, E, Zinc, Mg, fish/flax oil. Milk thistle is optional but usually helps.

Another main question is whether this supplement from Vibrant Life taken alongside, and in which dose, would be helpful. I know the research on EDTA is inconclusive but the company claims this "basic" version of their product is very effective and that's why they're up for 30 years:

----EDTA is ineffective for mercury and makes mercury toxic people worse. Don't do it.

Per capsule:
400mg EDTA
100mg NAC
100mg Vit C
100mg MSM

As I understand the MSM will stir the metal up and I should not use much of this during the off time, yet the entire supplement appears to work on its own. The EDTA as far as I understand, stays 95% in the gut, and from there grabs onto metals that come near it within circulation, but it seems to not have affinity for Amalgam constituents (but another study said it did work for mercury).

----Nothing here should be done in your situation. You will get substantially worse if you take EDTA with mercury.

After (suggest to me how many) rounds of the DMSA, I will add ALA to it slowly increasing again to get the brain clean.

----Doesn't matter as long as it's 3 months post Amalgam removal you can add ALA.

Another user suggested along with this, take a small amount (1/4 teaspoon or 1/2 is plenty) of baking soda to keep the pH up so that mercury doesn't do more damage or bind in harsher ways, something of the sort. When, and should I, add this to the treatment? I currently take 1/4 tsp a day before bed.

----Not necessary just take buffered vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate that has baking soda in it which is what gives it a neutral pH.

Another thing is whether to take Kelp powder in small amounts (200-500mg a day) yielding 200-500%/mcg or so iodine, just for mineral replenishment, as well as the effect the Iodine will have. From what I see, I should avoid all sea food for the time being, but can it really do more harm than good? Further, because of mineral deficiencies caused by all of this, is a good quality Sea Salt enough to replace it all or should I get colloidal minerals or the like? I am eating 2lb of bulk "natural almonds" a week and they apparently contain all minerals necessary.

----No don't take any of that. Sea Salt on food is good.

The metal load is not very high but the chronic exposure from three fillings (still two to remove, after talking with the dentist..) as well as some metal crowns years and years ago has been enough to give me autism/schizo like symptoms and in the recent years, fatigue and a casein allergy, and seemingly, gluten-pain as well. Of course that could be pathogenic but the diet has been modified to be good and these metals seem like a large hindrance for what I need to keep doing to try to fix that. Along with, of course, this CRAZY exposure to the dust.

No urine test has been done but I am considering requesting a hair test to asses how bad this one acute exposure of the dust is and whether it continues or the particles have been neutralized/removed relatively quickly/totally. Wrong forum, but can legal action be taken for such negligence? The dentist also told me there was no Amalgam under the dam afterward, when I took a tissue right after and wiped specks off of the inside of my inner lip. This is in Canada.

----Get a DDI hair test. Buy Andy's cutler's books. Most importantly, don't do anything stupid and make a bad situation into a horrible one. I did so myself and missed over a year of school and became psychotic all because of me being stupid and taking chlorella/cilantro. Don't do anything but take the basic supplements recommended by Andy and chelate. A sulfur exclusion diet is a good idea. Some basic bloodwork is optional but not necessary. Like I said before, get his books and if you do in fact have mercury poisoning they will save your life. You can get them from Good luck and I wish you the best.


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