Makes sense to me.>>>the liver being the seat of anger. (I have also felt rage leaving, precisely with the stones moving out- Rage afterward happened to me after my second or third flush, and I interpreted it as just part of the process. Possibly stuff in the liver was able to 'move forward', so you are experiencing that. Possibly, there is still some stuff moving through the colon. Possibly--while this might be a bit far out to swallow- you are just processing memory being released. There are lots of levels to anger and only one is physical.
I'm inclined to do the salt water flush after a liver flush. The day after, or the one after that. Just to move things through, faster.
Haven't read your link, But recently, my favorite flush is tomato juice, turmeric, olive oil and garlic. Not a huge show of stones, but a really good feeling, after.