I read on another forum that people were using either Iodine or taping on pieces of garlic on their moles to remove them. I have a little granddaughter with an unsightly mole on her chin that I bought an E-book for instructions to get rid of. In the instructions they said to mix baking soda with caster oil into a soupy paste and to keep the mole bandaged and damp. I tried that and got the center of the mole off before her mother collected her, but she didn't keep up the treatment and the mole seems to have filled back in somewhat, although it's much lighter and flatter now.
There is a bloodroot salve made especially for moles. I tried regular bloodroot cancer salve but it didn't do anything to her mole, although it removed a cancerous looking one on my husband-- see the escharotic cancer salve photo journal on my website http://www.truthquest2.com but beware--the photos on the home page and some other pages are extremely graphic. Somebody just emailed me and read me the riot act for not giving that warning in another place I left a link.