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Re: No visible parasites during cleanse
blueciel Views: 2,370
Published: 15 y
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Re: No visible parasites during cleanse

I used to do the parasite cleanse haphazardly just because I never saw anything come out. Actually, a few years ago I too Barefoot's dewormer and expelled some pinworms and some eggs.

Earlier this year I took diatomaceous earth for a month but for the silica content because my hair has such poor quality. It's almost completely white and very dry, which I attributed to parasites. My hair was the initial trigger to start cleansing because I realized that it's a sign of poor health. It's still falling out and frizzy but I notice the color turning darker and that's encouraging.

Thanks for mentioning the essential oils because I forgot about them. I actually made my own blend that I am using on my scalp before I wash my hair. I made a herbal infused olive oil to which I added rosemary, oregano, tee tree essential oils and keep this in a bottle with dropper. I don't know if this has anything to do with my hair starting to turn darker or it's the colon and parasite cleansing. It may be a combined effect of all three.

I just came across some very good info about essential oils on the Natural Healing forum.

I'll be more diligent with the parasite cleanse this time around because I want to get rid of whatever tickles my liver. I feel it moving at night and it drives me nuts. My liver flushes are still not very productive and I fear that I have flukes that are blocking the ducts. I have to wait and see what effect the Parasitin may have. Then I'll have to figure out different herbs next month.



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