Re: Water fasting
Hi purple lotus,
According to my observations from the forum and reading articles and books, body mass drops rapidly at the beginning of the fast. If this drop is really substantial, it is usually due to the extremely poor health, a huge toxic load carried by the body. In another words, the big amount of body mass lost during the first 7-10 days reflects the lack of health (plenty of toxin in the body) and the urgent need for detoxification through water fast.
I think that 15 Ibs is a lot of your body mass because you started fasting with a body mass of 130 Ibs. My conclusion would be that you either carry some disease, or you are a heavy junk food consumer, or immediately before commencing the fast you completely filled your digestive system with food, or you have problems with bowel movement, or you represent the combination of all the above.
However, I may be wrong as this specific rule may not apply to your body; Each body is different and possesses its own individual characteristic.
My 2 previous
Water Fasts could be described as really uneventful if not for one side effect of ketosis - debilitating weakness. According to Shelton, the author of many books about fast, weakness during fast is a result of the faster's fear of fasting. What an absurd! I feel no fear of fast, I embrace the fast with all my heart, I truly believe in its beneficial influence on the body. Shelton's observation about the existence of the positive correlation between the fear and weakness may apply to most of fasters but not to me. If I am the exception, so could be you.
Probably, you have already have the idea why you lost so rapidly so many pounds.
You asked for the advice. I hope that you are not worried about your body mass loss. It is truly fantastic that your body responds to fast so quickly. You are only losing fat, toxins and water; You allowed your body to perform self-housecleaning. Congratulations!