Weak connective tissue
Hello Dr. Lam.
With my sprained knee and other knee getting bad now, I will be starting ultra sound treatment on the bad knee, and maybe the other knee. But, would it be best with weak connective tissue, ligaments ( do to degerative muscles, etc. from severe adrenal fatigue).....
Would later, beginning flex and isometric quad. strengthening-range of motion therapy PUT to much strain on these weak muscles or ligaments, causing further damage, or if done right from the therapist, help them at this point?
Right now,I'm staying off the knee am much as possible with the RICE ( rest, ice....) afraid putting any undo pressure on them could make it worse.
Thank you Dr. Lam.
Is there anything like a proline cream or would MSM cream, or cortisone cream help at all topically on th knees.?