Re: treating my pterygium
after a lengthy emailed interview process, Dr. Chandran has shipped me my remedy, express, from india.....after my modest donation.....he explained it is not the amount but how deep in my heart it comes from.....i must have conveyed that to him adequately.....i will be donating more if this saves me from an operation that i am told has a 3-36 month rate of reoccurance.....some cure that is ,huh?
real homeopathy works on a DEEP emotional scar/reaction symptomology in addition to overt symptoms he has explained.
my girlfriend, a graduate chinese herbalist, has spent 8 hours with a stack of books to type cast my symptoms(down to emotions also) and i am on the second tier of herbs to cure this.
if i hadn't waited til this was critical i would have done one at a time.
pterygium is a clearish,blood vessel laden growth on the has taken 20 years to get over my cornea.
Dr. Chandran's primary work is with the destitute sick in India.....donations for his services are tax deductable and easily done thru paypal.
more later.