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Re: Allegiance, not separation!
  Views: 2,886
Published: 20 y
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Re: Allegiance, not separation!

"i know i'll take flack for this, but i just gotta say - i think zappers are dangerous. i do not think its safe or necessary. if you absolutely feel parasite cleansing is essential i think herbs are safer."

Agreed, and indeed, this was a point I was making earlier in the zapper forum before yet another argument arose. Parasites have existed for centuries, and people have been successfully destroying and removing them for centuries...with herbs. Everything has purpose; herbs exist to cleanse, stimulate and alleviate, depending on their specific use. Any form of electrification is totally unnatural, hence is questionable to say the least. I am not so ignorant to declare that they do not work, yet it is clear that they were not bestowed upon us by the Divine Force/God/Source/Universal Consciousness...chances are they will ultimately do more harm than good.

On a similar subject: colonics are also ridiculously unnatural, and there are plenty of natural ways to achieve similar, if not better, results.

Kevan: MH suggests you can safely flush weekly for your first three flushes. If you doubt this in any way, or are wary of flushing to such a degree, then please wait three weeks and five days and I will tell you all about my own experience with this protocol. Your complaints sound all too familiar, so here's hoping you and I will be free of troubles relatively soon.



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