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Re: new balance bracelets
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Re: new balance bracelets

Application of magnetic fields to the body are generally not wise. The body has its own magnetic field and its not wise to upset that. Thus, metal in the mouth interfers with that magnetic field.

But to apply magnets as a healing process for temporary localized relief has some benefit in about 50 percent of people. That's due to the magnetic field heating the local tissues up as it passes through them and a little bit of heat is sometimes good, especially with muscle strains and sprains. Not on joints.

As far as a "balance" bracelet is concerned it depends on a lot of variables. What kind of metal is it made of, any magnets, how much poison is the body carrying, how much metal in the mouth and many other things.

A lot of people wear those copper bracelets and swear by them. But the explanation of that is rather technical. Has to do with trapping cosmic radiation. A French scientist back in the 20's did some great research on that and it did indeed work. Thus you never heard about it.

The frequency of metals does have an effect on the body. The closer that frequency to sunlight is the better it is for the body. Very similar to plant essential oils. Thus some metals are acceptable but most aren't.

But as a general rule avoid metals on the human body. They interfer with the electromagnetic field.

Also any electrical current. Yes, I use the 9 volt zapper to kill the viruses that flee the dead parasites but that's it. And that can be considered crisis therapy. And its only 9 volts - no amps.

Also radio waves like in an ultrasound to determin the sex of the baby before its born. Only in a crisis.

Now, when it comes to protecting yourself from all the electromegnet energies floating around I use the Universal Harmonizer from Equilibra. A little crystal pyramid on the harmonizer card. It's right behind my computer screen.

Hope that helps.



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