Can magnesium stop depression?
Depression can really suck the life out of a person. I know that it can because I grew up with
Depression in my household, then I have friends that are severely depressed, especially one of them. My friend has tried just about every kind of antidepressant that exists, and when new ones come out, then he tries those. Maybe the new one will help for a little while, then he falls into a deep
Depression again. It's not that he wants to. I know for a fact that he does not want to be this way, period. My heart goes out to my dear friend.
Well, how many of you know that if they suffer from depression, that it could be the result of low magnesium? It's been known now for over 70 years that low magnesium levels can cause depression. Then why aren't the doctors teaching this? Is it because they are helping the drug companies sell more expensive name-brand antidepressants that are not helping many people?
How about this point, depression used to be a rare condition about 100 years ago. If that's so, why so much depression now? Could it be that the issue of depression has come about since our diets have steadily slipped lower in magnesium throughout the years?
Depression is not the only thing that magnesium helps.
Please get the word out to others that are needlessly suffering from depression, PMS, back and neck pain, neuropathies, and many other conditions that are attributable to a magnesium deficiency. We must spread the word on this important nutrient that causes us to have life.