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Serious problem with chronic blushing.
davidthered Views: 3,057
Published: 15 y

Serious problem with chronic blushing.

My name is David and I'm 32 years old. I've suffered from chronic blushing for around 8 years now. It was somewhat of a problem even before then but not like it is now. I'm very fair-skinned to start with so that doesn't help. I feel like having OCD has probably contributed to this problem as well. It started out with me putting pressure on myself not to blush. The more pressure I put on myself the worse it would get. In the beginning it was just in social situations but as time when on it got so bad that I was blushing even when no one else was in the room. My face is now red 24/7 whether I feel any warmness or not. I know this might sound crazy but I feel like all of the years of blushing have made my face permanently red. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? I feel like the only person in the world with this problem. I miss looking normal. This has had a big impact on not only my self-image but on my social life as well. A procedure that would prevent me from blushing may be something that I would consider but I feel like the damage is done. I just want a pale face again. Any suggestions? I'm willing to try about anything at this point as long as it's not risky. What about bleah? Is it risky?


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