Hello everyone,
My name is Connie, I am 38 years old and I have been suffering with melasma or hyperpygmentation on my cheeks and on the upper side on my lip for over 4 years. It began with a small spot on the right upper side of my cheek and then it just began growing. At that time, my dermatologist prescribed me a low %prescription hydroquinone called Triluma. It worked at the time, I was very happy because the hyperpigmented area disappeared. But after exposure to the sun, it always came back and simply got worse. Then, she gave me some other prescription which also had somewhat hidroquinone in it. It also would work temporarily, and then every time I would expose myself to just a bit of sun, even though I applied sunblock like crazy over my face, it would just reappear.
Bottom point, it got worse and worse, really dark spots. I concluded that somehow I got a reaction to the Triluma that made everything simply worse. Anyhow, I have been doing a lot o research of the subject and tried a lot of different creams and staff that supposedly would help, nothing really did and then I found this cream on the internet. Obviously I was skeptical about using it at first, but what got my attention was that all the ingredients are natural. So I bought it and got it about 2 weeks ago.
The website states that for people to begin seeing a difference it would take approximately 4 months. I being using this cream since I got it twice a day, plus at night I applied this other stick that came with the creams when I ordered them. Let me tell all of you out there going through this frustrating problem. I know how aggravated this is and for me having this has simply being a nightmare. So far with the use of this cream I am already noticing such a huge change in the color of the pigmentation. It has lightened them so much, they have almost disappeared and in such a short time. Perhaps, for every person will be different, but for me is a miracle. Bz the way, I was diagnosed with subdermal and dermal melasma, and the only reason I did not qualify for the laser treatment is because I have hypothyroidism, therefore, according to the many dermatologists I have see, it would be dangerous to my health.
So, the name of this product is Lumnaskin bz Dermagevity. I live in Switzerland now, but it is an American product. And the website is
They ship worldwide. And the stick that came with my order was free and it-s called lightening stick by Daggett Ramsdell. I don’t know if just maybe the used of both at night has also helped. I will definitely keep posting to let everyone know of any other changes, but please continue using your sunblock, very important and good luck to all. I just needed to share it with everyone. I hope that if you try this product it will be with the same amazing results as for me.