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This guy supposedly cured his fecal body odor
trill209 Views: 22,105
Published: 15 y

This guy supposedly cured his fecal body odor

Ok so I found this on another site and to tell you the truth it looks legit but I don't know anymore these days. You be the judge. It's worth a try and best part it says he got cured 3rd week so it's fast if you do get cured and if you don't you didn't waste months like other protocols. If you try it post your results good or bad.


After much success, I have decided to re-post my 4 week protocol. I and 3 more people have been cured with this method. Likewise, I have received countless e-mails asking me what the glutamine is used for and how to get hold of antifungal drugs and so on… I will repost this method and try to be more specific this time, I don’t have the time to reply to individual e-mails. Please just follow the protocol exactly as I have written it out, the more you play around with it, the less chance of it actually working. Like many, I have suffered from this smell for years and believe me, I have tried everything to cure this! This is not an over night thing, it is more like a therapy.

You will need the following;
1) Lamisil tablets or Nystatin capsules (antifungal)! x4 weeks
2) A good pro-biotic (preferably threelac/fivelac) x4 weeks
3) Glutamine capsules x4 weeks
4) Garlic (raw) after the 4 weeks

Take 1 Lamisil tablet a day or 1 Nystain capsule 3 x daily on an empty stomach. Ask your doctor to prescribe you with antifungals like the ones above. If you have trouble getting hold of antifungals, then order it online, it is not cheap, but worth every penny. Unfortunately, antifungal drugs kills off the good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria. After every meal take a pro-biotic, preferably 3x daily. You must take the pro-biotic in order to re-build the good bacteria. Take one glutamine capsule (500mg) before going to bed, preferably on an empty stomach. Glutamine ensures good health of the gut lining. You must take all of the above for 4 weeks (minimum).

Now here comes the hard part and the most important! You must implement a Candida diet/anti-yeast diet! This means; NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY PRODUCTS, NO CARBS (for week 1 & 4 only), NO DRINKING & NO SMOKING!

Week 1) Eat eggs and cucumbers only! A normal candida diet allows you to eat carbs, but I have gone a step further and eliminated all forms of carbs. Carbs turn into Sugar in the digestive system and then that will feed the yeast. This first week is not easy and your body will feel weak. You will be tempted to eat carbohydrates, but don’t give in! Try boiled and poached eggs. If you wish to fry the eggs, then use olive oil, NO BUTTER! I consumed about 15-20 eggs per day and a whole cucumber, believe me it was not easy!
NOTE: On the first week your body will start to smell quite bad, giving you the impression that it is getting worse, but it is not! You’re body is being starved from all forms of Sugar and the yeast is simply breaking down.
Week 2 & 3) Now you can re-introduce carbohydrates back into your diet, but still avoid dairy products, alcohol, cigarettes and all foods containing sugar! My diet on week 2 was simply eggs, cucumbers, chicken, steak and brown rice! Nothing more, nothing less!
Week 4) Repeat week 1. By this time you will be cured, but don’t get carried away, implement week 1 back into your diet and starve the yeast for one last time!


You don’t need to follow this, but it is a precaution! Eat 1 clove of garlic (raw) as soon as you wake up then eat what ever you like. Do this every morning. I am now back on my original diet. I eat chocolate, fizzy drinks, chips pizzas etc. Raw garlic is a natural antifungal and not only is it safe; it is also good for you!
NOTE: If your breath smells of garlic, then take it every other day! Why garlic? Eating a clove of garlic in the morning will guarantee that the yeast does not grow back! I have been on raw garlics for 10 weeks and recently decided to stop taking the garlic. At first I was scared to come off the garlic, but now I have been of it for a month so I can proudly say that I am 100% cured.


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