Cottonseed oil in our bread supply now?
Since when did they start adding cottonseed oil in our breads that are available at the grocery store?
I went shopping for my first loaf in a long while and MY GOSH! Every single loaf in the store had soybean oil in it! The breads made by Lowe's grocery store even had the nerve to put "soybean/cotton-seed oil".
Hello? Does anyone see a problem with that?
After desperately looking through the pre-made buscuits, frozen waffles, cruiscants, and EVERYTHING else, I finally found some english muffins that did not have soybean oil in them! Thank God! The only other thing was the frozen Ezekial bread which they charged about $6.00/loaf for, which is a lot for such a small amount, and I've seen it sold much cheaper at Trader Joe's & Whole foods.., like around $4/loaf.
Am I really the only one who ransacked the whole store looking for edible bread? Is it really that bad? Bread, the staff of life, that's like a staple people have a very hard time seeing themselves w/out.
Well, if they really just started using cotton-seed oil in our bread supply, I predict a very dramatic increase in serious disease in this country in the very near future. This is really just sick.