The new religion, "Carbon Fundamentalism"
Carbon Fundamentalism
We could not agree more. In a December 2007 post “Inconvenient Facts About Global Warming,” we question the existence of a “denial industry,” and instead we list the participants in what one might term the “alarm industry.” From that perspective, it is clear this latest strand of virulent fundamentalism – carbon fundamentalism – is tolerated and indeed encouraged by virtually all powerful vested interests on earth.
Here’s why:
* Insurance companies get to charge higher premiums
* Fossil fuel companies get to keep prices (and profits) high
* Politicians get to enact new taxes
* Public sector entities get new tax revenue to fund their pensions
* Environmental organizations get more funds
* Left wing activists get a new basis to attack private ownership
* Labor unions get more jobs, especially in the public sector
* Lawyers get a new basis to file lawsuits
* Wall street gets to trade emissions credits
* Climate researchers get more grant requests funded
* United Nations bureaucrats get a guaranteed revenue stream
Follow thew buck folks!
the rest of the article: