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NOAA & Canada Admit To Major Problems With Surface Temp Data

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Published: 14 y

NOAA & Canada Admit To Major Problems With Surface Temp Data

somehow, temperature stations that used to number 6000 have been expanded all the way up to… 1500.
Climate "Science"? Both NOAA & Environment Canada Admit To Major Problems With Their Surface Temp Data
Read here and here. As critics of "global warming" science have pointed out for years, there are serious issues with the surface temperature datasets that result in corrupted global average temperatures that are currently used by policymakers. Unfortunately, it took the Climategate scandal(s) to reveal publicly the corruption and incompetence of global warming science. Now, finally, government scientist-bureaucrats are starting to admit (or are being forced to admit) that the entire global datasets are seriously frakked-up.
  • "At the meeting in Exeter, UK September 7-9, 2010 , Surface temperature datasets for the 21st Century, there were several  candid admissions with respect to the robustness of the global and USA surface temperature record that are being used for multidecadal surface temperature trend assessments (such as for the 2007 IPCC report).....There are very important admissions in these presentations.  First, outside of the USA,  there is inadequate (or no) publicly available information on station histories, yet these data are still used to create a “homogenized” global average surface temperature trend which reaches up to the “highest level of government”.  Even in the USA, there are undocumented issues."


  • "From the “we told you so time and again department”, Canadian weather data is a mess. It took an FOIA to get the “fess up” out in the open.....“The common assumption among users is that the data has been observed accurately, checked for mistakes and stored properly,” said the report, printed in June 2008. “It is profoundly disturbing to discover the true state of our climate data network and the data we offer to ourselves and the real world.”...The stinging assessment, obtained through an access-to-information request, suggests that Canada’s climate network infrastructure is getting progressively worse and no longer meets international guidelines."
Due to the general incompetence of government paid climate scientists (eg., NOAA, GISS, CRU, and the Met Office) from major countries and the IPCC, the massive amounts spent on this research still has not resulted in producing a trusted and reliable climate metric reporting system, which would provide the requisite, actual, accurate temperature measurements.
[Note: Globally, climate scientists have managed to spend north of $80 billion-plus (the U.S. portion is at least $70 billion) of taxpayer monies in an attempt to prove human CO2 causes global warming. This quest for the AGW Holy Grail has not only needlessly diminished the treasuries of various countries, it has also, by definition, reduced funding for a variety of other important, competing science disciplines that are government funded.]




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