Hi solphilos,
I would start with a bowel cleanse then go for a kidney and bladder flush followed by a liver and gall bladder flush.
For bowel cleanse there are vary many different protocols for them, some very pricey and others very low cost. What I do is my 3 or 5 day bowel cleanse by fasting with laxatives and enemas. I will reproduce below my protocol for bowel cleanse. I also use my PB&C shake (similar to the P & B shake).
For kidney and bladder flush I use parsley seed tea or you can buy a kidney bladder health tea. I use it just for 1 or 2 days.
For liver and gall bladder flush you can read up on it on CureZone front page go to the bottom and close to it, you will find “Topics”, open Liver flush - cleanse. There are many recipes.
Please read my blog titled “My challenge” link below.
My challenge
My 5 day juice fast
by propaul (5/2/02)
My 5 day fruit/veggie juice fast with enemas and laxatives This is a harsh and rather difficult fast to follow. This is my attempt to reduce my blood sugar and my blood pressure.
Every day during the fast, I drink, daily, at least 8 glasses (8 oz) of water besides any other liquids.
I have found that I do not prepare for this fast, I find myself unable to follow it. So preparation is nearly as important as the fast itself.
I always take a daily bath or shower during the fast. I usually start my fast on a Monday.
For anyone wanting more details go to the last part of article.
Preparation to fasting
Friday - before the fast
Just before going to bed, I take a laxative.(2 capsules of Cascara Sagrada)
Saturday - before the fast
I eat one full meal and a second meal with light food. Both meals are in the AM. I drink as much as I want fruit, vegetable juices, and potassium broth. In the afternoon I take a cleansing soapsuds enema. Before going to bed I take a laxative.(2 capsules of Cascara Sagrada)
Sunday - before the fast
I eat only 1 meal with solid but light food and sparingly. I eat this meal in the morning. I drink as much as I want fruit, vegetable juices and potassium broth. In the afternoon I take a deep cleansing soapsuds enema (minimum 3 bags of 2 quarts). This series enema takes a good 4 hours.
I wait 40 minutes after my last bowel movement then take a 1 quart coffee retention enema
1st day Monday through 4th day Thursday
First thing in the morning I drink a lemon juice flush. Then I take a baking soda enema.
I drink 1 glass of fruit juice with one tablespoon of freshly ground flax seed. Maximum of 2 glasses of 8 ounce fruit juice per day. I have to watch for too much sugar.
I wait half an hour before switching to vegetable juice (2 - 8 oz glass max). I drink as much potassium broth as I want with added protein powder.
In the afternoon I take a second tablespoon of freshly ground flax seed with my drink.
In the evening, I take a 2 cup coffee retention enema.
5th day Friday .
I am working toward rebuilding my body.
First thing in the morning I drink a lemon juice flush.
The I take a series baking soda enema making sure that I take all 3 enemas of 2 quarts.
I drink fruit juice, limited quantity.
I take one tablespoon of freshly ground flax seed with the juice.
I wait an hour before switching to vegetable juice. Also I drink potassium broth as much as I want.
In the early afternoon I take a second tablespoon of freshly ground flax seed with a drink.
In the evening I .take a 2 cup coffee retention enema
I go to bed earlier than usual and try to sleep as much as possible.
I have now completed this fast.
For the next 2 days, first thing every morning, I drink a glass of lemon juice flush and every night before going to bed I take 2 capsules of Cascara Sagrada.
If I do not have bowel movements within 2 days after the fast, I take a small enema to stimulate my bowels. I would normally have daily 2 or more bowel movements. I keep a log of my bowel movements. If I find that I have less than 2 bms any day then I consider myself constipated and I take a small enema. Should I find myself being constipated several times a week then I take a cleansing soapsuds enema followed by a coffee retention enema once a week until my next fast. This lack of bowel movements indicates to me that my system needs additional cleansing. I wait a month or more and repeat the 5 day juice fast or go on a 5 day colon cleanse.
I find that doing the above fast brings down my blood sugar and my blood pressure. And if I stay on my strict diet and take all required supplements without deviation, The effects of this fast last for over a month.
NOTES for anyone trying to follow this fast:
Hot Lemon juice flush.
Squeeze ½ lemon into 8 oz of hot water. Drink slowly.
Protein powder food supplement.
Depending on the brand and type of protein supplement, you need to take it daily during this fast at least 60% of the DAILY REQUIREMENT. This amount will give you sustenance and also keep your hunger under control.
Cleansing soapsuds enema consist of 2 bags of 2 quarts very warm soapy water. Use liquid castile soap (I prefer the peppermint scented soap),1 teaspoon per quart of water. Start by taking as much as you can possibly hold then evacuate your bowels on the toilet. When done evacuating, take another enema this time you should be able to accept more liquid. Try to retain it for 2 to 5 minutes. Evacuate and repeat until you have used up all 2 bags of 2 quarts. Then flush again with a plain water enema of 2 quarts to wash out all the soap from your bowls.
Deep cleansing soapsuds enema consist of minimum 3 bags of 2 quarts, starting with very warm water, 115 degrees F. Follow above instructions except that you need to keep taking a full 2 quarts enema until your stool is clear liquid with no solids. This may take 3 or more bags of 2 quarts. End with take a 2 quart plain water enema to flush out the soap.
Baking soda enema
Preparation of solution.
For each 2 quarts use 4 teaspoons of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in warm water. Stir well so that the baking soda is totally dissolved in the water.
Series enema
Prepare a total of 3 enemas of 2 quarts each. The first two enemas should be made using very warm water; the third should be made with cool (not cold) water to stimulate the colon.
Start by slowly flowing the enema into your bowels until you have a strong urge to expel then stop the flow. Without changing position, take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds, expel your breath. Repeat a few times. The urge should subside and you can continue to insert more fluid. Do this process every time you have an urge to expel. When the urge to expel does not go away it is time to expel. Try to retain the liquid for 3 - 4 minutes before expelling.
Repeat the above procedure until you have used up all 3 bags of 2 quarts each. This may take 5 or more sessions. On the last session you should insert the full 2 quarts. Do not cheat, use all 3 bags of enema completely.
Rest after expelling last enema..
Salt Water enema
This enema is a very soothing, very gentle enema. It is not good for relieving bad constipation or for general cleansing. After using cleansing enemas, taking a saline solution enema to reduce the trauma of the cleansing process. If you have taken soapsuds enemas then this enema will clean out the soap residue from your colon.
Preparation of solution
Use either natural sea salt or non-iodized table salt. Do not use any iodized salt. Dissolve 4 teaspoons of salt into 2 quarts of warm water.
Follow the procedure for cleansing soapsuds enema.
Retention coffee enema (small volume)
When used as a retention enema, coffee does not go through your digestive system and does not affect your body as a coffee beverage does. Instead, the coffee solution stimulates both your liver and your gallbladder to release toxins, which are then flushed from your body. This enema is most effective if repeated daily for several days.
Preparation of solution.
To make the coffee enema solution, place 2 quarts of water in a pan, and add 6 heaping tablespoons of ground organic coffee (do not use instant or decaffeinated). Rapid boil the mixture for three minutes, simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature, and strain. Add enough water to make the 2 quarts. Use only 1 pint of the strained coffee at a time, and refrigerate the remainder in a closed jar.
Place 1 pint of the enema solution in an enema bag. The best position to assume when receiving the enema is to lay on your left side. After you have inserted the liquid hold the solution in your body for 10 minutes then very slowly and gently turn and rest on your back. Retain this enema for 20 to 30 minutes. before allowing the fluid be expelled. Do not roll from side to side.
Do not be concerned if the liquid is not expelled after 20 to 30 minutes. Simply stand up and move around as usual until you feel the urge to expel the liquid and after expelling the enema take a 2 quart salt water enema to clean out the residue of coffee and toxins.
.Large volume Coffee Retention enema:
The large volume coffee retention enema may causes a reaction to coffee, You may get a “buzz” or get “strung up” and nervous. Since this enema has sufficient volume to reach, besides the rectum and the Sigmoid section, the transverse column. This allows for the coffee enema to somewhat produce the same reaction as if you drank several cups of coffee. If coffee does not affect you then there is no need to worry.
Preparation of solution.
Same as the small volume coffee retention enema but use 1 quart of the solution.
When cool, fill the enema bag. Take this enema laying on your right side with your left knee close to your chest. Take the whole 1 quart. If the urge to expel is strong then stop the flow, and without changing position take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, expel it and repeat a few times. The urge should subside and you can continue to insert more fluid. Repeat this process every time you have an urge to expel. In this manner you should be able to take the full 1 quart. You need to retain this enema for 15 minutes.
Expel and then take a 2 quart salt water enema to clean out the residue of coffee and toxins. After this rest.
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