If you want to have the facts, you must try it yourself. You may always have two differing points of view, but to know for SURE, you have to try it yourself.
One thing I've noticed from time to time is people who speak down on something WITHOUT TRYING IT FOR THEMSELVES. I'm not meaning you. I say this so that you will only listen to the ones who have actually tried the liver cleanse. And when you hear from these people, i.e. here on this website, you will find as I have that almost everyone here feels that they owe much to the cleanse and are so glad they tried it. Many even attribute renewed health and happiness to it, not to mention their life.
I have just recently begun cleansing, but I feel my health coming back and things are beginning to change inside with the help of everyone on Curezone. I wish you every luck in your journey to find cleansing as well.