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Cramps in psoas
aging tree Views: 2,163
Published: 15 y

Cramps in psoas

Last week, as I was congratulating myself for getting over with the cramping issues,(didn't have any for months) I woke up one night with a severe cramp in psoas that stayed on several minutes. I wouldn't allow myself to moan or make noise not to wake up hubby BUT !! my goodness, it was just horrible. My hair was soaking wet from all the pain. For several days following, I couldn't sit on toilet without fearing the cramp would be back; it was like my right leg (the one that got cramped) had a memory of its own and could get triggered just by thinking of it... SO TRUE !!

I do take Mag malate regularly, 3 caps crushed and zapped into my SCD yogourt with 3 caps tri-boron, 2 or 3 times a day. Is there anything else I should be doing so this goes under permanent control ? Thanks for any knowledgeable input. Health to everyone!


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