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Published: 15 y


Hi Hv

If i take a blend for adrenals, a blend for Capilliaries, a blend for this, that and the other etc etc, and take half a teaspoon of each, i'll be doubling up on some herbs. Does this matter?

I already take maca and ashwagandha and schizandra and jaogulan separately.
I'm trying to simplify things
So if i scrapped the adrenal mix, as i don't like the licorice in it, stains my teeth too much, and use the capilliary mix for adrenals too.

I take a heaped desert spoon of bee pollen a day for the B5.

And take a adaptogen mix using my maca and ashwagandha and Jaogulan.
but take 1/2 tsp of them mixed. For a good adaptogen mix what would you use and in what ratio?

So to recap

I'm going to mix Amla, ACerola and rosehip, gotu kola, nettle for the capilliaries and adrenals.

I take Schizandra and milk thistle for liver health. Could i mix these? Although i take the Schizandra as a bitter too.

I take bee pollen

And make a mix of adaptogen herbs, i have maca, ashwagandha and Jaogulan/gemmastemma at the moment.

So does that sound like a good plan? 2 blends and 3 separate. Just remember i also take vitex/ Angus castus, so 4 to take seperate.




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