MSG hidden in supplements Re: Magnesium Deficiency - Candida / Adrenal: Questions
Minerals, found individually and in some multi-vitamins, are usually joined to amino acids for better absorption. The following are chelates that will contain
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) and/or its toxic cousin aspartame:
amino acid chelate (chelated with amino acids)
potassium (or any other mineral ) citrate
potassium (or any other mineral) aspartate
potassium (or any other mineral) glutamate
chelated with hydrolyzed protein,
chelated with protein
chelated with amino acids
According to the Truth in Labeling Campaign's "Hidden Sources of MSG," MSG-containing ingredients found on the National List of Allowed Substances include:
- Citric - produced by microbial fermentation of carbohydrate substances
- Carageenan
- Cornstarch
- Enzymes
- Gums
- Yeast autolysate
- Brewers yeast
- Nutritional yeast
- Calcium Citrate
Here is a list of other hidden places for MSG: