do you have interstitial cystitis, or just a urinary tract infection???
the new protocol is 3 drops every hour for 8 hours straight.... i start taking it at 5:00 am and take it until 12 or 1 in the afternoon.... then i eat at around 2:00
this way food doesnt interfere with my doses... if you can do that it would be the best way... if not thats ok mms will still work just try not to eat more than one meal during those 8 hours your taking the mms.... dont take any vitamins at all or any supplements except mms... the mms wont work if you take any other supplement... dont eat herbs or seasonings with your food.... boars head is gluton free and i eat it with gluton free bread.... i eat gluton free crackers, and drink only water.... no coffee... thats probably the best diet for a few weeks until the mms kills alot of the bacteria... good luck