Body Voltage, Earthing, & Cortisol
Has anyone seen this?
"To his surprise, Dr. Ghaly found that earthing shifted
the 24-hour circadian cortisol rhythms toward normal.
Subjectively reported symptoms, including sleep dys-
function, pain and stress were reduced or eliminated in
nearly all of the subjects.
Dr. Ghaly concluded that grounding the human body
to earth during sleep reduces nighttime levels of cortisol
and re-synchronizes cortisol hormone secretion more in
alignment with the natural 24-hour circadian rhythm
profile. The research paper describing these results will be
published in October of 2004."
Earthing is a term to describe grounding one's body to the earth akin to actually walking, sitting, or lying on God's green earth.
Earthing, as described in the article, is done by
running a ground wire out your bedroom window and connecting it to a metal stake driven into the ground and then attaching the ground wire to a metal or carbon grid on top of your bed sheet.
Here's a link to the patent for the earthing setup:
A good friend told me that rather than do the earthing the hard way that he's simply going to test this out by using an Anti-Static Wrist Strap with Cord
and just plugging it into a grounding plug of any nearby wall outlet.
It seems to have scientific merit. I'll be testing this myself.