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Re: Another question
lisag Views: 4,361
Published: 20 y
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Re: Another question

Hello Gup, You're right, I didn't get the msg about your note! the two formulas - the cheaper one by baar/heritage store and the more expensive from cayceconcepts seem to be very different.... these are the diff's that i know of -

* Cayce, when asked in a reading whether the Iodine should be dissolved in alchohol or water, said, "alchohol." The baar & heritage store products didn't follow directions - they dissolved theirs in water. Also they added chlorine, which wasn't given in the Cayce readings at all! Their bottle of atomidine says "iodine-trichloride." The thing that i find most ironic about this is that these stores also sell chlorine filters! Too funny, in my opinion.

* The source of Iodine seems to be different... Phil at cayceconcepts uses a very natural, more expensive, Iodine in crystal form directly from the earth. Phil said that the other companies pre-buy their iodine in liquid form from other iodine vendors. The 2 products do look entirely different - heritag store/baar's product is clear, and phil's is a bright red (the iodine crystal is red, so that's where the color comes from.)

So... although it does sound like i have stock in Cayceconcepts and will make alot of money if you buy it, I do assure you that is not true! :) I just think Cayce concepts product seems alot truer to what Cayce wanted.

Please email me with any questions or comments! If you get it, I hope it works for you!


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